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Child Adolescent and Family Services

CAFS is a community based organisation which formed in 1993 because there was a need for a collaboration of services which were casework focused.

CAFS Inc, also known as the Child, Adolescent and Family Services Association of South West got incorporated in May 1993 as an Association. CAFS’ physical location is on Wilson Rd Green Valley, Green Valley District Centre.

This is a thriving community based organisation whose management is overseen by a Management Board that consists of workers, residents, and/or students from local areas where the services are being delivered.

The History

The formation of CAFS came about when the need for services collaboration that was casework focused was identified. At that time, it would contribute to the development of good practices in counselling services, casework, and that it would facilitate for needed services to be availed in a single organisation. This would also facilitate the expansion of such services whenever available funds permitted.

In 1994, the Board formalized the position of a Manager for CAFS although while the CAFS Manager is directly answerable to the Managing Board, it is his responsibility to oversee the organization’s day to day services management.

The Work and Growth of CAFS

  1. CAFS has through an assortment of funding bodies, been able to provide enhanced services for disability groups.
  2. CAFS through John Edmondson VC Memorial Club funding, also ran anger management groups but this came to an end with end of funding. Since inception in excess of 3,000 people have been reached.
  3. In any given week, CAFS provides services to in excess of 200 families and is constant contact with individuals numbering over 300. For most of the part, the services are free.

The CAFS Vision

The vision of CAFS is centered on respect, wellbeing, and safety for all the children as well as their families.

CAFS Values

  • Client/Member focused
  • Collaborative
  • Flexibility
  • Resilience
  • Inclusive
  • Ethical

The Services Offered

CAFS Inc, a community based organisation receives considerable funding from a number of different government bodies so that it may offer to the community specific free services. It has a team of specialized counsellors who broadly speaking provides services which may be broken down into two main groups, although not mutually exclusive.

Adolescent Family & Counselling (AFC) Team

This team is charged with providing confidential type of counselling to the adolescent age group including their families, who may be going through conflict that could trigger family breakdown or has already done so.

CAFS tries very much to match the needy clients with own staff whenever that is possible. The counselling entre is opened daily during regular working hours between Monday and Friday. Whenever a critical need arise, an Out of Hours appointment may occasionally be arranged by mutual agreement with the concerned counsellor. This is not a drop in service and as such appointments are necessary and the priority is given to those families having dependent when looked at from the angle of crisis and stress within the family.

Family Support Team (FST)

This specialized team provides assistance and information on education, parenting, Centrelink, budgets and other issues that arise now and then in families. In addition, they are offering plus confidential counselling services to children and families at risk being taken as a priority.

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