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Gawura School

Educational and supportive services to help ensure that all children in Australia are given an equal opportunity at making their lives meaningful.

Who we are

The Gawura School was founded in the year 2007 and has since then been regarded as a school that is tasked with providing pupils from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands with educational and supportive services to help ensure that all children in Australia are given an equal opportunity at making their lives meaningful and fulfilled.

What is the vision of the Gawura School?

The vision of the Gawura School is to ensure that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children get provided with quality educational services and resources.

What is the mission of the Gawura School?

The Gawura School’s mission is to help in bridging the educational gap that exists between pupils in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands and those in other places within Australia.

What does the Gawura School value?

The Gawura School values the provision of supportive services through education to help ensure that all children get an equal chance at realising their full potentials.

The Gawura School was mainly established as a school that was tasked with helping to further enhance the work of the St Andrews Cathedral School.

What are the ways through which you can support the Gawura School?

The Gawura School depends largely on the benevolence of the people living within the various communities and the support that it gets from governmental institutions and other corporate entities to keep on providing the various supportive educational services. In this regard, the School has created a number of ways through which the public can also render their support in order to see to it that the School continues with the work that it has been doing for children in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island. These ways include the following;

Making of a donation to the School Through

this way, each and every member of the community including the business entities can make various donations to the School so as to support the services that it provides for students. Such donations can be made on weekly, monthly or even a once-off basis.

Organise a fundraising event

This is solely for those individuals and corporations who are interested in raising money for the School. They are given the permission to organise their own fundraising events and use it to generate funds for the School.

Become a volunteer

This avenue is also provided for each and every individual who wishes to donate his or her time and energy to help carry out essential tasks for the School.

Include the School in your will

You can also make use of this avenue and bequeath some of your property to the School so that after you have passed on, the allocated properties will be given to the School.

Become a sponsor

This allows you to fund any of the services that the School provides for children.

Services provided by the Gawura School

The services provided by the Gawura School are all aimed at helping to get the children in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island areas to also have the exact educational opportunities that other children have in different places. These services are therefore rendered in the following areas;

  • Education which deals with the provision of essential educational resources needed to enhance the learning environment of the students
  • Pastoral care services which involves the provision of services aimed at helping to develop the student in a very spiritual way
  • Student’s services aimed at making sure that all the other essential needs of students are met so that they will develop in a holistic way
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