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HeartKids Western Australia

HeartKids are committed to the provision of support, giving hope and encouragement to the families of kids having Heart Disease.

Who we are

The HeartKids Western Australia was formed in the year 1985 by a group of families who came to the conclusion that something really needed to be done about the challenges that are faced by children who are born with various heart problems and their families. The formation of this Foundation became very necessary when it was realised that the number of children that are born every day with some form of heart problem was more than five just in Australia.

What is the vision of the HeartKids WA?

To help ensure that each and every individual gets to live a life that is free from all the problems that are caused by diseases of the heart at a very tender age.

What is the mission of the HeartKids WA?

The mission of this Foundation is to help create an environment within which childhood heart problems are adequately and professionally treated by putting in place the right interventions and supportive services for such people and their families.

What is the aim of the HeartKids WA?

The main aim of the Foundation is to see to it that an Australian community is created that has the infant mortality rates which occur as a result of childhood heart diseases are drastically reduced in order to ensure that each and every individual gets to live a normal life free from such heart-related problems.

Services of the HeartKids WA

The HeartKids WA Foundation has since its inception been providing so many services that are aimed at helping to relieve the stress, pain and financial problems that these families do face whenever such health conditions are found in a family member. The various services provided by the Foundation to those children who are born with these heart related problems and their families are;

The heart conditions resource service

This is a service that is rendered by the Foundation mainly via the internet. It deals with the provision of helpful information and tips on almost everything that is related to heart diseases that are found mostly in infants. A parent or guardian can therefore log in to this online site and take advantage of the pieces of information that are provided by the Foundation on childhood heart diseases in order to get a better idea of where to seek for appropriate treatment and how to handle such kids.

This service also provides a handout that contains most of the pertinent questions that parents do ask with regards to childhood heart diseases. This handout therefore serves as an FAQ for parents as they are provided with a lot of questions that are frequently asked about childhood heart diseases.

The HeartKids Membership Service

This service is about the provision of an avenue for each and every family that has a child who has a heart disease to become a member of the Foundation without having to pay anything. Being a member of the HeartKids WA Foundation is something that presents the respective families and their children with the following advantages;

  • The provision of supportive services for families during those trying times

The provision of coffee mornings which are mainly held in order to allow parents of children with heart diseases to spend quality time together talking about how they have each been coping with the condition of their children

  • The organising of various activities by the Foundation which gives the child the chance to also participate in them
  • The chance to also get useful information from specialists who are very experienced in the field of childhood heart disease
  • The provision of a newsletter that is made available each and every three months

These are the main advantages that children with heart problems and their families stand to gain by becoming members of the HeartKids WA Foundation.

  1. The provision of vital support information service

This service sees to the provision of essential information that puts parents and guardians in a better position to cater for the needs of such children with heart problems especially when they are about to start schooling and also when they are being taking on a journey. It gives useful tips on what should be done concerning each scenario in order to ensure that the child is always safe and secure.

  1. The provision of other places where further treatment can also be attained

The Foundation also provides families with the addresses of other places where they can obtain further assistance with regards to information and treatment for a child with a heart disease.

How to get involved

Due to the various high quality services that the Foundation renders to children with heart problems and their families, it also requires the members in the community to support them in order to ensure that such services are extended to include more children and their families. This is why it has made the following avenues available for people to also get the chance to help the Foundation;

  • Through the making of a donation to the Foundation
  • To fundraise for the Foundation
  • To become a sponsor
  • To contribute at the place where one works

Through these ways the general public can also support the Foundation in providing for children with heart problems and their families.

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