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New Hope For Cambodian Children

New Hope for Cambodian Children was founded in 2006 with an aim to assist the Cambodian children affected with HIV/AIDS and their families.

New Hope for Cambodian Children was founded in 2006 with an aim to assist the Cambodian children affected with HIV/AIDS and their families. It was founded in 2006 in collaboration with the Royal Government of Cambodia and Non-Governmental Organizations. It has a multi-disciplinary approach that aims to provide a home-based support to the underprivileged and disadvantaged children currently on ARV medication. It focuses on providing a holistic care to the orphans and abandoned children with HIV/AIDS that have no other source of social support.


The mission of the organization is to assist the Cambodian children with HIV/AIDS and their affected families and gives them a new hope for life.


New Hope for Cambodian Children is a registered charity organization that works with the Ministry of Interior in the Kingdom of Cambodia under license from the United States tax code. It began in 2006 when an American couple came to Cambodia to assist the people dying from HIV/AIDS. They realized that when the adults died, they left behind children who got no care and support from the community. Since these children were also infected with HIV/AIDS, many of them had deteriorating health and were dying themselves. It was then that they took the initiative for these Cambodian children and began raising funds for the purchase of their medication. They purchased the antiretroviral medications (ARVs) that helped to suppress the virus and made it inactive for a time.

The New Hope for Cambodian Children initiative quickly became the largest HIV/AIDS treatment program for children in Southeast Asia providing medication to more than 400 children. Later it started supporting almost 4000 Cambodian children in fighting the disease. The works of NHCC drew the attention of many other charity organizations towards this cause. This reduced the burden on NHCC to provide medications for all the HIV/AIDS affected children in Cambodia. Because of this, the New Hope for Cambodian Children was able to focus on its social, nutritional and educational support for the affected children.

Programs Offered

Home Based Care

New Hope for Cambodian Children has adopted a multi-disciplinary approach to support the children affected with HIV/AIDS and their families. The Home Based Care Program is aimed at providing social, medical and educational support to the infected children under its care who are living all over Cambodia. The children are visited regularly to ensure that they are taking their ARV medication that would help to suppress the virus. It also provides funds for transportation to and from the medical centers where children get their medication.


The Village is a residential facility outside Phnom Penh for the affected children who do not have a home or anyone to care for them. It provides holistic care to 220 orphaned or abandoned children with HIV/AIDS.

New Hope Houses Program

This program supports children to attend university or vocational schools by paying their tuition dues along with housing, medical and transportation costs.

Quilters of Hope

This program focuses on employing the widows of the deceased HIV/AIDS patients so that they can generate an income to provide for their children also affected with the virus like them.

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