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YMCA Australia

It is the vision of the YMCA to see to it that people are given the chance to live a life that is filled with happiness and good health.

This is an association that was formed in the year 1844. It was established to bring various relief services to a lot of people in those days when there was so much distress which had been brought about by the Industrial Revolution era in England. It all came about through the ingenuity of George Williams who was a drapery merchant who thought it wise that such a society be formed so as to provide some form of physical, emotional and material support to members and also to renew the spirit of each and every member of the society.

Currently the YMCA has 24 member associations and these member associations are tasked with providing support services to over 700 societies throughout the whole of Australia.

The name given to it was the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)

Our mission

The vision of the YMCA is to see to it that various services are provided to all those who might be in need of such services so that they will develop emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Our vision

It is the vision of the YMCA to see to it that people are given the chance to live a life that is filled with happiness and good health.

What we value?

The YMCA values the ability to create an environment that understands all the plights of every individual and provides equal avenues for these people to develop their dignity and self-esteem.

Activities undertaken by the YMCA

The YMCA undertakes a lot of activities which are all aimed at achieving our main objective of helping to create an environment that is conducive for the development of the each and every individual in the community. Some of these activities include;

  • The provision of accommodation for people
  • Provision of aquatic programs
  • Provision of outdoor educational and camping programs
  • Provision of services aimed at ensuring the wellbeing and healthy living of each and every individual
  • Provision of recreational and sporting activities programs
  • Provision of various services aimed at helping the youth
  • Undertaking of various community services among other notable activities

These are just a few of the activities that are undertaken by the YMCA in order to see to it that the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of individuals are adequately met.

Each of these services helps the YMCA to correct a number of problems that are encountered by people from all walks of life. This means that none of these activities that are undertaken by the association can be seen as being very important than the other. They are all equally very important in what the association seeks to achieve.

How to get involved with any of our activities?

The YMCA is a group that does not limit its membership to just a few groups of people. Each and every individual who deems it necessary can join the association without any discrimination. The ways for an individual to join are also numerous and some of these are;

  • To participate in whatever we do
  • To become our partner
  • To volunteer
  • To become a supporter
  • These various ways are made available to the public so that they can take active part in whatever that we do.
  • Partnership programs

The YMCA gives the opportunity to all those interested organizations out there who are interested in helping the association to create a better and healthier living environment for each and everyone. This avenue is not only for those organizations that are based in Australia but for each and every organization throughout the whole world that wants to help us continue with our various activities.

Volunteer programs

This is also the availing of avenues to the general public who wish to undertake various activities for the association without demanding for any kind of remuneration from the association. Those who can volunteer for the YMCA are also unlimited as each and everyone is welcome to contribute his or her part towards the successful achievements of our goals. There are whole lot of activities that are available for our volunteers perform. Those who decide to volunteer also avail themselves to acquiring experience and growing personally.

Making of donations

This involves the various contributions that are made by either individuals or institutions towards the running of the association’s activities. These donations are made out of the freewill of either the individual or the institution and therefore no one is forced to donate. Those community members or institutions who realize the importance of what the association is doing can make up their mind to contribute something either financially or in the form of the provision of certain infrastructure for the association. Funds realized from the various donations from the community members are also channelled into the carrying out of all our activities.

Career programs

YMCA is not all about raising funds from the community members without giving something in return aside the provision of services to those who may need them urgently. The YMCA has a number of career opportunities available which allows those who are intrinsically motivated and have positive attitudes to undertake various jobs within the association. These jobs are all centred on working with people who are very interesting and fun to be with in caring for those who are in need of help. There are lots of benefits that can be derived from the career programs initiated by the association like helping the individual to develop in a very holistic way among others. The careers available for the public to choose from include; health and wellness, aquatics, outdoor education and camps and many more. With a career in any of these areas, you are sure to develop into an individual who has the experience and skills needed to make a very huge impact in the lives of people both near and far.

These are some of the ways through which you can also get the chance to be actively involved in all that the YMCA does so as to contribute your quota to those who may be in need of such help.

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